To celebrate all things Aotearoa native fauna and flora we have a new Critter of the Week t-shirts back for 2023.

The super talented Giselle Clarkson has designed a new image for the shirts and tote bags.

There is a cut off date for pre-orders so they arrive in time for Christmas deliveries to friends and loved ones.

Follow this link and place your order. Five dollars for each t-shirt and tote bag sold goes back to environmental volunteer groups around Aotearoa which are working hard to keep our unique critters safe from extinction.

Order your COTW 2023 t-shirts and or totes by clicking here.

Critter of the Week t-shirts collage

Photo: supplied

1:15 Climate change impact on Antarctica

It's a mixed bag for Antarctica with news that in 2022 the ice continent experienced a massive heat wave.

The latest report shows that there were all time new highs but also new sea ice records broken.

 Dr Kyle Clem, a lecturer in climate science at Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington speaks to Anna.

Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) on iceberg, Larsen C ice shelf, Weddell Sea, Antarctica.
Sergio Pitamitz / Biosphoto / Biosphoto via AFP

Photo: Sergio Pitamitz / Biosphoto via AFP

1:25 Counselling for start up founders

We all know that being an innovator and pioneer can be exciting and empowering, but it can also be daunting, overwhelming and sometimes and unwelcoming environment causing anxiety, burnout and depression.  

Jenny Douché  has set up a counselling services with Callgahan Innovation to help support start up founders and innovators with their mental health as they navigate their way through the pressures of operating a new business.

Jenny talks to Anna about the services they're offering and why they're so important.

Man having counselling

Photo: vadimgozhda/123RF

1:35 Neurological Foundation Summer programme on offer

Applications have closed for the Neurological Foundation's Summer Studentship programme.

The programme has been running since 2002, and each year only three young people are selected to take part.

It offers them a chance to dip their toes into the world of neurological research in an effort to foster an interest in medical research.

Here to tell us a bit more about it along with the work the Neurological Foundation does I'm joined by research manager Dr Sarah Schonberger.

Dr Sarah Schonberger

Dr Sarah Schonberger Photo: supplied

1:45 Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday is our weekly segment where we ask you to share your creepy, spooky, or coincidental experiences. If you have a tale to tell please get in touch by text, 2101, or email us at

This week we speak to Bronwyn about a ghostly encounter involving a haunted house and a priest getting involved.

hands holding rosary beads

Photo: 123RF

2:10 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

Today Graeme talks to Anna about The Nun 2, Building Bridges: Bill Youren's Visions of Peace and Past Lives.

2:20 NZ Live Yurt Party

For NZ Live this week have Yurt Party in our Christchurch studio to perform.

It's a fusion band of Balkan, Latin and Dub, a combination that gets people up and dancing.

They've captured that vibe in their self titled album which is also being released today.

Yurt Party band

Photo: Chapter One Photography

3:08 Yellow pepper frittata

Today chef and Shared Kitchen founder Julie Bisuo shares a recipe for a frittata which is a cross between an omelette and a pancake.

Julies has some great tips for making a tasty and yellow pepper frittata, a dish that can be served for any meal time.

You can find out how to make this version of a frittata here.

Yellow Pepper Frittata

Yellow Pepper Frittata Photo: supplied

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from 1pm talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

No caption

Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Jo McCarroll

This week we speak to NZ Gardening Magazine editor Jo McCarroll about having an all year round crop to harvest and use in your meals!

Jo talks to Anna about the best vegetables to be planting throughout the year to ensure you have something to year 365 from your own garden.

Farmer's hand planting seeds in soil

Farmer's hand planting seeds in soil Photo: 123RF

3:35 Critter of the Week mātātā / NZ fernbird

The mātātā or New Zealand fernbird is a secretive little bird with a big attitude. Despite being the size and weight of a mouse, they're not afraid to hunt for blowflies on the back of a sleeping sea lion. They're more often heard than seen and many populations are at risk from predation and habitat loss.

Mātātā / NZ fernbird

Mātātā / NZ fernbird Photo: Helen Duncan

3:45 The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Steve McCabe