30 Jul 2017

Houstoun Plays Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2, Nos 13-24

From Music Alive, 3:00 pm on 30 July 2017

Michael Houstoun in recital at the University of Auckland Music Theatre performs the Preludes and Fugues Nos 13-24 of Book 2 of The Well-Tempered Clavier by Bach

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As Michael Houstoun has explained, preparing to play the 48 preludes and 48 fugues involves a very deep delving into the essential character of each one. This has led him to giving them all short descriptions - or 'pseudo-titles', as he calls them. He offers these as a possible spur to a listener's imagination but stresses that they need not be taken as definitive or even too seriously. With his kind permission, we give them here.

Book Two

F sharp major
Prelude: Gracious wife
Fugue: Hearty husband

F sharp minor
Prelude: Poignancy
Fugue: Reality of Sorrow

G major
Prelude: Water
Fugue: Crenellations

G minor
Prelude: Cortege
Fugue: Fatal declamation

A flat major
Prelude: Eloquence
Fugue: Human perfection

G sharp minor
Prelude: Petulant tale
Fugue: Cul-de-sac

A major
Prelude: Pastoral blessing
Fugue: Playful happiness

A minor
Prelude: Maybe...maybe not
Fugue: Angels of Destruction

B flat major
Prelude: Lyric pleasure
Fugue: Persuasive conversation

B flat minor
Prelude: Narration of Sorrow
Fugue: Day of Judgement

B major
Prelude: Be of good cheer
Fugue: Eternal aspiration

B minor
Prelude: Quandary
Fugue: Mocking dance

Recorded by RNZ Concert in the University of Auckland Music Theatre, May 2017
Producer/Engineer: Tim Dodd