29 Sep 2023

Peter Ellis' prison chaplain shares story

From Afternoons, 1:15 pm on 29 September 2023

Just over a year ago the Supreme Court quashed Peter Ellis' convictions - the first time this has ever been done posthumously in New Zealand.

One of the biggest podcasts to come out of New Zealand, Conviction launches today.

It's taken 5 years to put together and includes some of the last interviews Peter would ever do, and interviews people who have never spoken out before.

It's an in-depth look at this complex and divisive case that tries to give a fair voice to all involved, all those who have suffered over the years. 

Stephen Ferguson was the prison chaplain and then close friend to Peter Ellis and was key in getting Peter to speak on the podcast. 

An illustrated portrait of Peter Ellis that looks distorted by glass. A bold 'CONVICTION' sits on top.

Key art draws inspiration from the cover page of North & South magazine, November 2015, illustrated by Henrietta Harris. Courtesy North & South magazine. Photo: Trajan/RNZ

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