6 Sep 2019

Govt still choosing which benefit sanctions to scrap

From Checkpoint, 6:15 pm on 6 September 2019

The government is still trying to work out which benefit sanctions to scrap, despite promises to remove the most excessive measures.

Almost two years into its term in office, the only sanction that's been axed is the one on solo mums who don't name the father of their child - and that doesn't come into effect until April next year.

Solo mums still face penalties if they don't meet their work obligations without good reason, or fail to have their children enrolled at a medical centre.

That has advocates calling on the government to speed up its response, to help get families out of hardship.

RNZ social issues reporter Sarah Robson has the story.

Hear more at rnz.co.nz/insight.

Show status: Off air

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