7 Dec 2021

Coach's comments led to breakdown - Black Ferns' Ngata-Aerengamate

From Checkpoint, 5:11 pm on 7 December 2021

"Picked only to play the guitar." A Black Ferns player says past comments from her coach led to her mental breakdown during the side's recent northern tour.

Te Kura Ngata-Aerengamate says the comments gave her anxiety, caused her to hyperventilate, and she says the sport she loves has made her mentally ill.

In a social media post, she said for eight years, the words have eaten away at her. Other Black Ferns players, sports commentators, Dame Valerie Adams and some All Blacks have lent their support to Ngata-Aerengamate for speaking out.

New Zealand Rugby has called her allegations "distressing" but believe it's an isolated incident.

Felicity Reid reports.

Show status: Off air

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