22 Sep 2023

Pōrangahau's love of winter sports

From Country Life, 7:00 pm on 22 September 2023
Two siblings hold up the sign lets go Porangahau!

Porangahau rugby supporters hold up the sign lets go Porangahau! Photo: Porangahau Sports Club

The coastal village of Pōrangahau in Central Hawkes Bay has a rich history of supporting winter sport. Like many small farming communities in Aotearoa, sport brings people together.

Porangahau has a sports club that is the envy of many in Hawkes Bay, and the annual sports prize-giving in the local club rooms is a chance to find out just how much sport means to the community.

Fewer than 200 people live in Pōrangahau but you'd be forgiven for thinking there are more. 

Many locals from across Central Hawkes Bay will take an hour to travel to the club rooms on a friday or saturday night. With plates full of food, and beer pouring it's a great place to catch up and be social. 

The walls are decorated with community sponsors who donate thousands annually to keep the club facilities open for everyone. Nestled in the corner are packets of nappies and tinned food, symbols of the tough time the community faced at the beginning of the year when the Pōrangahau river flooded during Cyclone Gabrielle.

Nights like Prizegiving are an important time to reflect on how the locals have come out the other side of events like Gabrielle. 

Club Chairman Andy Barrett spoke to an army of supporters dressed in the team colours of black and green. A focus in the evening’s speeches is encouraging the young players, thanking the volunteers and acknowledging all of those that return year after year.

Porangahau are one of the few clubs that not only feed the players but also the supporters every game. It’s a way to keep people at the games.

The Porangahau Sports Jersey on display in the club rooms

The Porangahau Sports Jersey on display in the club rooms Photo: Porangahau Sports Club

A man standing on a grassy field holds a sign saying Go get em Porangahau!

Porangahau rugby supporters Photo: Porangahau Sports Club

Two children hold a good luck Porangahau sign, painted green and black.

Porangahau kids show support for the team with black and green Photo: Porangahau Sports Club