Navigation for Culture 101


12:15 - Kiwi Actor Yoson An in modern Aussie rom-com

12:32 - Tackling climate change with bonkers creative ideas: inventor artist Steve Mushin

12:45 - How to have sex: rising British acting star Mia McKenna-Bruce 

13:07 - The Waikato Wars: what painter Richard Lewer didn’t learn at school 

13:25 - Regional wrap: Tauranga arts facing up to 300% rent increases 

13:33 - At the Movies 

14:05 - NFTs, meta landscapes and space colonies: Simon Denny in Berlin and New York

14:30 - Best of the Fest #2: a morning rave, the Savage Coloniser, Soweto Gospel, Witi’s Wahine, The National and the might Waikato

15:05 - Arts News

15:08 - The Mysterious Secrets of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium

15:35 - Pounamu Pounamu Witi Ihimaera


Music played in this show



Played at 12.12pm


Long Long Time

Linda Ronstadt

Played at 12.28pm


Te Koanga

New Zealand String Quartet

Played at 1.07pm and 1.58pm


An Ice Age of Dreams

Spectral Memories

Played at 3.05pm and 3.58pm


North by North

The Bats

Played at 3.30pm



Church &AP

Played at 3.55pm