15 Nov 2019

Shane Jones elaborates on 'rednecks' comments

From Morning Report, 8:11 am on 15 November 2019

Forestry Minister Shane Jones welcomed hundreds of farmers who converged on Parliament yesterday to protest at forestry encroaching on agricultural land.

The lobby group 50 Shades of Green organised the protest, saying traditional rural lifestyles were at risk from the growth in forestry.

Even National's Todd Muller was booed when he spoke, but the loudest jeers were reserved for Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor and Mr Jones.

Mr Jones took particular exception to placards attacking the Prime Minister and called the farmers "rednecks" - something he was in no hurry to resile from.

He told Corin Dann he wasn't happy with the rhetoric at the protest, which included farmers holding signs about the coalition that contained slurs.

"Genuine farmers, yesterday, were milking the cows, most of those people came to Wellington to milk the bull."

Mr Jones said he respects the idea of protest but in his view things went too far on Thursday.

"I'll defend anyone's right to protest and I'll take it on the chin but I'm not going to keep silent, with that quality of rubbish served up."