2 Jun 2023

Government buyout offer brings relief for Gisborne Mayor

From Morning Report, 6:40 am on 2 June 2023
Leader of the opposition Christopher Luxon has arrived at the CDEM base at the Gisborne District Council, to hear about the response. With him are MPs Simeon Brown and Nicola Willis.  In the pictures he is next to Rehette Stoltz, the mayor (the orange vest)

Photo: RNZ / Kate Green

Gisborne's Mayor says the latest Government plan for storm and cyclone-stricken homeowners is a relief and offers some certainty.

In a joint initiative with councils, buyouts will be offered to people whose land is too unsafe to build on.

There's also money to pay for flood mitigation and protection work required ahead of rebuilds.

It is estimated around 700 homes will have to be abandoned, with as many as 10,000 homeowners awaiting remediation before building can start.

In Gisborne, 17 homes have been condemned.

Mayor Rehette Stoltz spoke to Ingris Hipkiss this morning.