5 Aug 2023

P Diggs on Amokura, the latest single from Shapeshifter

From Music 101, 2:30 pm on 5 August 2023
Shapeshifter Amokura

Shapeshifter Amokura Photo: Mark Russell / Renegade Peach

To coincide with Cook Islands Language Week, Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani, local band Shapeshifter have released a new single called 'Amokura' which features vocals in te reo Māori Kūki 'Āirani and traditional cook islands drumming.

Kara Rickard spoke to Paora Apera AKA P Diggs, about the single, his connection with his homeland, and his hopes for raising awareness for te reo Māori Kūki Āirani, one of the most endangered languages in the world.

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