11 May 2023

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown on big budget blowout - and how to fix it

From Nine To Noon, 10:05 am on 11 May 2023

Auckland Council's budget shortfall for the next financial year is expected to reach $375m- up from $295m.

Councillors attended a closed-door workshop yesterday morning to receive a budget update, ahead of approving the annual budget next month.

Mayor Wayne Brown has warned councillors that without savings, that would equate to a rate rise of more than 20 percent, which some have labelled scaremongering.

Kathryn puts that to the mayor, and asked him why he feels selling the Council's shares in Auckland Airport is the only way forward to plug the gap.

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown at a council meeting on 23/3/2023

Photo: RNZ / Finn Blackwell